Jul 1, 2024

WIP - G-93 Kontot Kombatot Armored Company for Jazygia 1919

I recently found out that I have a bunch of WW1-era vehicles and figures hidden in various parts of my stash, so as a side project, I began building suitable vehicles for an early 20th century Jazygian conflict.
You might remember the Kontot Kombatot G-93 from my earlier posts, a handsome and utilitarian vehicle I originally designed for toy soldiers - well, this is the 1/72 version of that very same.

On the left is a G-93c Astaba version with a one-man turret and auxiliary MG. It has additional track links on the front and rear for extra armor protection, a stowage bin on the right side and a pair of logs on the left (mostly to cross ditches).

The other one is the G-93b Ozmot, which will be the company commander's vehicle, the commander being the driver in one person, one further crew member servicing the 3pdr anti-tank gun, and a third one manning the hull-mounted LMG. I converted two spare Napoleonic figures for the crew, and also have a Zvezda female partisan somewhere, she will be the company commander. 
The large pointy things on the front are not factory spec, they were added by the crew to tread down hedges and barbed wire.

A standard Jazygian armored company consists of four vehicles, the rest of which I'll build to be a standard version, and the anti-armor hardtop variant, the G-93b Korkodil.

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