Jun 26, 2024

My Plans Are Thus Thwarted

I'm on a decidedly tighter budget this summer, saving up for a possible vacation during early fall. So I tried to challenge myself and tackle some of The Heap of unpainted/assembled/primed figures that's starting to gather at my corner of the living room. Seeing painted figures and The Heap decreasing warms everyone's heart who has been in the same situation.

Of course that's when I found the Warlord Games summer sale.

After doing some maths, I decided to purchase some more of their plastic ECW/TYW line, three sprues of infantry and two of cavalry. I especiall saved a lot on the infantry, as I don't need command figures from the 40-figure box right now, and the price per figure is very favourable this way.

This brings my European forces for the period up to a decent standard, a bit short of two hundred figures. The only trouble still present is that fact that much of those are unpainted.

I also bought a sprue of Marlburian artillery, with the nasty intention that, as the sprue has two barrels and only one carriage, I can copy the carriage with Blue Stuff and make some more. Also, gun barrels are generally easier to scratchbuild than carriages, especially wheels. The sprue also has two powder barrels, copying which (with Blue Stuff again) I can make a decent amount of barricades and other scatter.

Now I swear I won't spend more money on plastic...


  1. The best laid plans of mice & men....

    1. Cheers Ray, I guess most wargamers are familiar with the feeling!

  2. The heap must not be depleted :) Enjoy the new figures!
