Nov 2, 2015

GNW Saxon army update

A lot of progress was being made on this project during the autumn holiday. I have stripped the cannon for the artillery and repainted them, along with two infantry units and a commander.

The cavalry featured earlier makes an appearance as well. I have ordered two boxes of Strelets cavalry but they will probably be painted as something else and I'll keep using Zvezda figures for the Saxons.

I've used bolder highlights on the black cannon carriages. I think the black and yellow carriages plus bronze barrels look really good together.

One problem with the guns was that I used a too thin primer, and on the wheels it peeled off, hope the varnish fixes that or I might just give them a second go. 
For the infantry I used the usual method of white primer - block - glaze - highlight. The flags are also the usual, rather impressionistic hand painted variants.

The general is from the Zvezda GNW Russian artillery set, and his buddy is painted up as Count Pietro di Calvacasa and can be wieved on the Schultze-Böhnstadt blog.

One foot unit has green and the other one blue facings. For further distinction I used white straps on one and buff on the other. All in all, these Zvezda figure are amazing sculpts and paint up really well. Yes, even the faces.