May 17, 2014

Methorin Wars - Dorrosean Takes Guardsburg

On a bright late spring day, the armies of Dorrosean were laying siege to the easternmost Jackewlinese fort of Guardsburg, when the King of Jackewline's army showed up from the north, taking the Qalturi road.

Lord Doge, 1st Earl of Doge reviews the master battle plan.

The sentries alerted the Dorroseani foot contingent that changed facing, preparing for battle.

In the centre, the levies marched forward supported by House Maered's regulars. The archers emerged from the wood to the east while the Fist of Mackowskill led the right flank. 
The united cavalry force of the Eight Houses rushed forward, leaving the Fist behind. The Dorroseani Great Lord stood behind the line of infantry while his knights began an outflanking maneuver.

The battering ram broke through Guardsburg's main gate.

The clash of the two large armies was bloody but neither side broke.

The casualties started mounting without any apparent winner of the conflict.

Most The Dorroseani, less in number, held their ground - only one troop fled but the Great Lord put them back in order quickly. Meanwhile the over-powering Jackewlinese foot could not break through the rest.

The battle was, in the end, decided by the two storming parties that approached the castle, killing the guards in the courtyard and taking the rest prisoner. The flag of the Great Lord is planted on the bastion.

The Jackewlinese army disengaged and retreated in good order, admitting defeat.


  1. Nice going! Good to see your hard modeling work getting put to use on a grand scale! I salute Lord Doge. "Hail the Doge!"

  2. very exciting report!
    i bet Lord Doge was the real architect of the battle!

  3. Superb! You got in a game and some sunshine at the same time. Love your dog, er, Doge!

    1. It's been the only sunny day for a while now for which I am grateful.

  4. And the Lord Doge thought:

    so army
    much battle
    very strategy

    1. Elmentem a Bookstationbe egy rendelésért, és az ő kirakatukban is van egy doge stencil. Nem tudom, milyen üzletpolitika vezérelte e tettet.
