Dec 20, 2012

Airfix Mk I tank assembled

After gluing everything including fingers, eyes etc. but the small parts with superglue together, finally here it is, the Mk I Male tank by Airfix, 1/76 scale so I see no problem using it along with 1/72 troops. Painting will have to wait a little, until then here are some contemporary pictures of this one and his friends:

These were shared some time ago on 4chan without much comments, I just thought I would add some spice to the post. They're mostly 'female' ones and of the later variants. 

They don't sing of battlefield glory anyway.

The Germans strike back? Pretty much.

They're cheering because it actually managed to fly.

Note the captives.

Still more comfy than sitting inside, next to the engine.

Well ladies and gents, one exam past and the next is tomorrow, I'll probably fail but it doesn't matter much. At the end of the painting stack (must change that soon), got the Song of Drums and Shakos rules in pdf and ready to get some 28mm Nappie figs for the cause of greater good, planning to acquire HäT/Victrix/Perry figs soon. 


  1. It certainly a great looking model and thank you for sharing the photographs. Best of luck with the examination too.

    1. Ditto Michael's comments, Andrew. Merry Christmas holiday to you, exam or not.

  2. best of luck with the exam. nice work with the kit and also very nic pictures!
