Feb 24, 2025

Battle of Pavia - 500th Anniversary Refight

Last afternoon (technically one day before the anniversary of the battle) we refought the Battle of Pavia, to commemorate its five hundreth anniversary, using my homemade unit blocks, makeshift terrain and a modified version of One Hour Wargames. My wife commanded the French and I the Imperialists.

You can view the locations and initial dispositions on the map above, we are at the early morning hours when the Imperial arquebusiers are already occupying Mirabello castle and the pike blocks had deployed on the near side of the walls of the Visconti park.

Feb 19, 2025

The Second Batch of Steel Fist Knights

Finished four more Renaissance lance-armed knights produced by Steel Fist Miniatures. They are excellent sculpts and painted up well.

Feb 9, 2025

Trashy Fleets WIP #2

Inspired by, among other things, Archduke Piccolo's recent posting about his scratchbuilt pre-dreadnought battleships, I dug out my own work-in-progress hulls and proceeded a good deal with building them.

The Swedish coastal defence ship Äran got a full paintjob, all she needs now is a layer of gloss acrylic medium and finish on her base (and gluing the hull to said base).

The not-quite Charles Martel (forgot an extra layer of superstructure) also starts to look like herself, finished all twele turrets (the French designers just got a little bit overboard with that aspect) and installed the cabin windows, stacks and upper platform. As you can see I also did a little bit of pre-painting on hard to reach areas. Her main hull will be finished in dark grey, upper structure yellow ochre and the deck a linoleum color.

There are also a few hulls of Tordenskjold-class monitors in the background, more on them at a later time.

Feb 4, 2025

Hakkaa päälle!

These are three Warlord plastic cavalrymen, with minor conversion work. For my Pikeman's Lament (or other skirmish) games I wanted some sort of cavalry other than your usual harquebusier/cuirassier, badly equipped, untrained but motivated, all in all, something like the Finnish horse serving under Gustavus. 

Of course there must be a way then to discern these from their more respectable colleagues, so one of the figures received a Bloody Miniatures head swap with a fur hat, and the other two got copies of the same fur hat instead of a helmet or soft hat. The back of the figures' heads did have the end of a lobster tail sticking out (which the soft hat would have covered), so I put some extra green stuff there to cover it.

I think they look fierce enough, and will do their duties well until I can get some Cossacks or Croats. They have no pistols, and wear a basic brown buff coat.

Jan 9, 2025

The Whole Bloody Regiment

First post of the year, so happy New Year to all of my readers.

These are actually the leftovers of 2024's painting queue, as I ordered most of the figures back in April I think, so they took a while to complete.

Anyway, here's the entire batch of Bloody Miniatures foot figures, kind of looking like a rag-tag Swedish unit from the Deluge period (at least that was my intention) in an impromptu set-up of two wings of seven shot, two blocks of nine pike, extra officers and Spötte the dog.

By the way I collected the pebbles that decorate the bases in Stockholm (they use this kind of grout there for extra traction when it snows or freezes as far as I can tell), so the figures are definitely extra Swedish.

Dec 22, 2024

The Berber War Galley 'Aga Pasha'

Soon after I built the 1/1200 scale galleys I started thinking about larger ships for the same period. My rule set 'Block Galleys' sort of counts on removable parts, and after some theoretical sketches I came up with a list with all the features required for my test model:
  • avoid the 'blocky' look that some gaming pieces have (the model should preferably have the true proportions of a real galley)
  • show the crew and not the bare decks (always found it weird at larger scales that the ship sails herself)
  • preferably 1/300 to 1/350 scale, to go with Zvezda's 1/350 Armada offerings and Black Swan
  • removable prow and forecastle
  • removable aft structure
  • same for masts and two sail options (to show sailing or using oars)
  • and preferably a removable section of oar bank

Then I turned towards designing paper templates for quick construction, and soon I worked out the entire process, the result of which is the Barbary pirate galley, the flagship of the infamous Pasha Aga, you can see on the image above. Of course not all the desired features were executed, but that is why this was a test piece, to see which is feasible and which is not.

Dec 11, 2024

6mm Ancients Test Basing

I made a larger order with Commission Figurines in September/October. I'm actually kind of slow on reducing stockpile, the Bloody figures I bought in April are just being completed. Anyway, half of that order was about eight hundred 6mm lasercut Ancient figures, infantry and cavalry. They are meant for the late Republican Roman period, but what I really wanted was some generic bods for my Gudugan Pudugan rules.

There are seven troop types in Gudugan Pudugan (which can of course be used to fight historical battles as well), and once I had the figures and the bases required, I set out to try my basing concept which would help discern the troop types and give armies a unified overall look.

Dec 6, 2024

New Galleys and Sea Mat

Here's the first group shot of my 1/1200 scratchbuilt/homecast galleys, on a piece of dark blue cotton cloth (size 140x100cm) I got from a haberdashery. I also included an Ark Royal Indiaman for scale, and a pair of stones from Corfu Island - I'll use these as islands or barren sea rocks for my games.

From left to right, the vessels are the following:
  • Standard galley with Imperial Habsburg/Spanish flags, sails up, inspired by romanticized paintings where the two sails are looking at the opposite directions for maximum wind power. This is a resin copy.
  • Turkish galley of the 'Old' hull type, a bit more diminutive than the standard hull, sails furled. She's got balsa oars instead of resin ones.
  • Standard galley of the Knights of Malta, there is a Maltese cross on the other side of the sail
  • Venetian Galeass, as you can see she's on a larger base too. This is the master model, I made four more casts.
  • French galley of the 'old' hull type, with added balsa superstructure (forecastle and oar banks), and a single mast.
  • Another Turkish vessel, standard type, sails furled.
As you can see there is plenty of space for customization. Next I will do galiots, lanternas and ships with striped sails. There is also a larger (1/300ish) version in the pipeline with removable parts when damaged.

I'm not really content with the rigging, but for 1/1200 scale I will give them a pass.

In case you are interested, I also made amendments to my Block Galleys rules - you can find them under the Rules page of the blog.

Dec 1, 2024

Santa Claus to the Rescue

I've long wanted some wheeled pieces of scatter terrain to decorate my gaming table. The main trouble is, wheels in the proper scale are hard to come by. When I was at the Vasa Museum in March I contemplated buying some 25mm pewter cannon sold at the museum shop for such a purpose, then put the idea off. Later, when I received a plastic Warlord Marlburian WSS gun, I tried to make copies of the wheels, but the space between spokes of the copies was too narrow, even for my sharp needle files.

In the meantime I built some barricades and other scatter terrain which I posted here, and then, come pre-Christmas sales of decorations, my wife and I went to a local Interspar and she pointed out this lasercut Santa Claus train which was at half price and had no less than eighteen wheels per set, all well scaled for 28mm figures!

I promptly bought two sets for the total princely sum of about five Euros, so now I have all the wheels for a lot of hand and horse carts, even perhaps a Gulay-Gorod for my Cossacks.

You can see the first three items built of my newly found resources, a wheelbarrow, a small hand cart and one with a resin barrel attached, assembled, placed on 30mm round bases and coated with PVA.