Jan 2, 2024

Christmas gifts and New Year plans

The first part of this post is somewhat of a humbe brag, as my significant other asked me to assemble a wish list for this Christmas, which I promptly did, only to be overwhelmed because I've received many gifts which were not on the list! Most of them are wargaming or military history related:

- a 4'x4' gaming mat from gamemat.eu - I'll make a separate post about it!

- a Revell 1/50 Viking ship (all I need is some Vikings)

- Four packs of Bloody Miniatures 28mm ECW figs, including the newly released Lobsters (some painted during the holidays)

- A batch of Magic Sculpt

- A set of GSW silver Kolinsky brushes (a joy to paint with)

- John Keegan's History of War at Sea

It feels good to have a supportive partner and she in fact has already joined me for testing the gaming mat.

As for the second part, when it comes to planning, I found that less is more. So the major projections for 2024 are:

- Expanding the TYW/ECW collection for larger games, I've now got a good amount of figures for larger skirmishes.

- Starting an Italian Wars collection (had a bunch of Perrys and Landsknechts but sold them in 2020), a Steel Fist unit of kniggits is in the mail back from December.

- 17th century buildings to populate Trashburgh (construction of an inn is under way).

- Reviving the 1/1000 scale Trashy Fleets projects (starting with some French pre-dreadnoughts because why not!)

- Finishing the 1/700 Derfflinger.

- The odd impulse buy here and there. We are planning two European trips in the Q1 of the year (including the Vasa Museum) so that might just push the bill.

A bit less slightly hobby related but managing my battle station is overdue:

- I'll get my old drawer cabinet and refurbish it

- Relocating the hobby desk to an area with better natural light

- Assembling some shelves to contain figures and the book collection (including the Ikea model with the drawers, pretty cool thing)

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