Oct 13, 2019

1/2000 Derfflingers - complete

Here are the tiny ships painted and based. quite fine items they turned out to be - I really like how my scratchbuilding skills progressed since the building of my first balsa ships.

I followed a paint scheme readily available from the internet, and I must say these ships look sleek yet formidable. I chose 1/2000 over 1/2400 because the round number makes it easier to measure things - I make a 1/1000 scale plan based on available data, then a 1/2000 by reducing that one's size to half.

I used a high gloss oil-based varnish on the bases for the sea effect, and also painted the bases separately of the ships. 

Next up are the two members of the Nelson class, and then who knows, I've got blueprints for a dozen different kinds of ships now.