Mar 15, 2019

SYW/GNW figs

Here's a makeshift post with a makeshift photographing setup, four units of various 18th century bits, Revell and Zvezda figures. These were done a few months back but I was lazy to make a post about them.
I'm really glad Zvezda re-issued their GNW boxes, it looks like there is a demand for these and I may just pick up a few next month.
Same thing with the Revell re-issuing their old SYW figures, very useful and cost effective, if not the prettiest sets.


  1. Nice work! Bought the Revell SYW combined sets for myself actually. They were sent to a friend who will send them onto me. Hoping to get those in the not too distant future.

  2. Really nice. I hope that I will not be too much seduced to buy those Zvezda-Sets. They were among the best sets to be used for the period and I already have dozens of bn.s with them.

