Feb 10, 2019

Taking Inventory (and Gambling for the Readers)

One of my friends has asked me to make a complete inventory of all my stuff, and I thought it would be a cool idea to publish it for all of you out there. 

I also thought I'd tie this together with a small competition. You can guess how many figures I have (either altogether or in a specific scale) and I'll send a small gift to the one who is the closest to the real number. But for the love of God don't read all my posts in a row and add up everything. So please do leave a comment under this post - it may take a week for me to actually do the inventory, so the deadline is next Sunday.


  1. 2489 miniatures. I'll take a shot. I always stop here to gawk at the projects you are working on. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Chris, glad you enjoy my content and best of luck with your guess.

  2. You paint a lot..so, roughly 3-4000 in all scales (?). I know, not an exact number as Chris has given but in my defence
    I started with an inventory last year but got confused after counting a couple of hundred so gave up. So here´s wishing you success and fun with the Audit :-)

    1. OK...a bit more definate..3700 :-)

    2. Thanks Paul! Fortunately I know where everything's at so it will be quite an exact number.

  3. Okay, I will have a go. Actually it´s quite easy: 4,379. :)

    1. Quite an exact number, maybe from some inside source?
