Mar 4, 2017

A bit of Gå–På every day

Since its arrival, I have been working on the Strelets 'From Narva to Poltava' big box at a steady pace. You can inspect most of its contents above.

Providing so many gunners is an absolute advantage, having only two guns and no limbers at all less so. I had to bring the axle and barrel forward on the carriage to make the cannon look less toy-like.

Working the guns is sweaty work.

Four very characteristic officer figures, the pride of any European or imaginary court.

There were not enough figures to build two 16-men infantry units, so I went back to the old trick with the second one and used 12 figures on 40x30mm bases.

The flag on the forward unit is hand painted textile.

What really sells this big box for me is the 24 cavalry you receive with it. The sculpting could be better, but they are very useful. 

The fourth unit will consist of mixed figures (we're talking about two 12-figure sets after all), half of them armored Reitars and half Leib-Drabants.


  1. You've pulled off a real feat, András. And that is, making Strelets actually look good.

    My personal preference for this type of project would be Zvezda but I really like what you've done with these.

    1. Thank you! I think right now I could cast the same figures in gold and still come out cheaper than buying Zvezda at retail prices.

    2. Haha, you have a point there. And also, it wouldn't be so bad if you could just select the few poses you need. But to accumulate enough boxes for the proper regimented look of the 18th Century, there goes any advantage to buying plastic.

    3. Two boxes of Zvezda figures sort of work out with 16-figure units, if you view my posts with the GNW label, you can see them there. I also like some animation in my units, for which Strelets figures are pretty good, as each figure has an individual pose.

  2. Although I prefer uniformity in my units, the mixed does offer a good deal of animation within a unit. What you have shown here are very nicely done.
