Jul 28, 2016

Civilians? On Random&Creative?

And by that I don't mean the recent surge of hits from Russia.
It's been a while since I purchased this set, I think from Drum&Flag on ebay, but only painted ten or so figures. The figures are all from the same IMEX 'Pilgrims' box. With the recent Formaggian villa build I thought I could paint some more, so here they are, doing various tasks around their two scratchbuilt cottages, the latter sort of just happened to be assembled and painted in an afternoon's work.

A pair of close-ups on the figures: they are very nicely sculpted, and neatly proportioned (especially compared to the bobblehead Italeri figures), but they're not at all easy to paint, especially because of the small faces and the soft plastic they are made from.

The cottages are, by the way, built from paper, with a roof produced the same way as the villa's, in decor rubber.