Aug 1, 2015

July purchases and plans for August

As July was the 'Spare Your Wargaming Pocket Month', I've spent very little... on models and paints, that is. This however helped with catching up on the plastic and metal pile... Some stuff that's been lying around has been painted. Lots of scratchbuilding too, I can definitely feel my skills improving.

Another thing I noticed is how crowded the terrain can become on my gaming boards. I have buildings, plough fields, small and big woods, roads, hedges and so on. Painting the table green also helped, but what I really want is a sheet or rug. Well honestly what I really, really want is a table extension as it's only 4'x4' and no large battles can be played on that (unless, of course, we talk about very small scale like the recent Raab refight).

Back to the alleged purpose of this post, I have bought a few pots of paint, not actually what I wanted, a pair of Zvezda tanks, and that's about it. This also means in August I'll have to replace my usual paints (white, buff, flesh, gunmetal, red... the list goes on).
I should start updating ye olde excel table with the stuff I acquired since the last time. I bet the results will be horrific.

In August I will mop up my older 6mm SYW collection, adding highlights to the uniforms and repairing chipped off paint. I think I will varnish everything again, the trick is to do all this without getting paint on the bases as I feel no motivation to rebase even a single model. I'm also thinking about a smaller Baccus or Fife and Drum purchase. With the conversion rate for GBP skyrocketing, I might hold back on that.


  1. July turned out to be quite an expensive months for me hobby wise as I treated myself to some terrain pieces, hoping for a quieter August.

    1. One of the blessings of small scale is that terrain is very easy to make. I'm going to show the 6mm pieces I built together with the finished figures.
