Jul 30, 2014

Painting diary XXIX.

Not much inspiration to paint these days.
I have put the 6mm infantry to cardboard pieces and had one strip primed with grey.
Assembled and began priming the Revell TYW cavalry, the horses with white, the riders with black.
The Fleet Green marines are primed but nothing had been done with them for a while now. 
What's been finished is the Ortosilian infantry of which I still owe a post to you dear readers but the first photos I made were really bad and the family took the camera with them to the holidays.
Assembled and cut off the sprues the ACtA ECW command which will boost the ranks of the two foot regiments once done.
Worked on the ranges in Inter Arma WW2 and made a small city state simulator on hex terrain. 
What's finished is the model tanks we've been working together with my little brother and the Airfix Bren that's been done mostly by me for his birthday.
This actually sounds a lot but all the cutting, cleaning, etc. didn't take more than an hour each day since the last post.
I'm going to have a summer job in August so I would like to finish some stuff by then if the painting gods allow. 


  1. Looks like you have to many things on the go to get much finished. On the bright side you could have a lot all finishing at the same time


    1. I'm not pushing myself too much to finish any, I'm sort of doing the contrary.

  2. Sometimes a break away from things is what is needed to get those creative juices flowing again.
