Apr 11, 2013

Anonymous commenting disabled

I've received more 'hate mail' (that is, I hate the fookers as much as I hate, well, something I hate very much) than it would be comfortable again. One or two on older posts a day and another few on more recent posts is turning off the switch for me. This is really a small place and the most hits I get are directed on the more interesting earlier posts including the one about the siege of Sabac.
Anyway, now only registered users can comment which I hope does not bother any of my regular readers. This is still more fitting than enabling captcha which I hate almost as much as spam. I also hope I can cause a little positronic headache to these darn robots.

Plus a warm welcome to Kerem who's part of the MiniAFV business and has two other blogs, one with figs and one with planes, all of these are excellent and worthy of a visit.


  1. I believe it's the littlest damage done.

  2. I may have to do this as well, I'm getting so much spam recently!!

    1. Maybe it's a North Korean cyber attack against capitalism.

  3. Not a problem sir, feck the feckers!

  4. Makes sense to me, receiving a lot myself!

    1. It's either this, allowing captcha or moderation, I find the latter two kind of inconvenient.

  5. No problem for me too!
    I hate "Trolls", captchas etc...
    I've also some problems sometimes, in this case I close the comments : for old posts, it's not a problem because nobody post new comments !

    1. Glad to hear it won't cause much confusion. Trolls are fine though, they're essentially harmless. Asian advertisers, not so much. Closing comments on old posts is a good solution.
