Dec 10, 2012

Games Day part I - intro + loot

This year's Games Day here in Budapest was very well attended and I could do a lot of photos and also join a game so that is at least two posts' material. See the 'hall' above, this was at about 1pm and we stayed until 4pm, so yes, took our (my) time - I dragged two friends and the game I played was that held us there.

Here's what I got from a limited budget: a detail brush (Vallejo), a 12-sided dice and an Airfix Mk I Male tank which had not been in the plans but saw it, and as I could never find any earlier just had to buy it. There is also a little change in my Xmas plans, I'll order some Essex 15mm pike&shot minis instead of the Pro Gloria figs. Those will get to me too but a bit later.
More studying is on the schedule but I'll squeeze some time in and make those posts anyway. Stay tuned!


  1. Glad your day was prosperous and fun.

  2. we are all changing our xmas plans I think... anyway nice loot. I hope that I can visit an event like this one day. anyway I am looking forwards the the games :-)

  3. Always nice to see what's going on games wise around the globe. I look forward to the next installment.

  4. Sounds like you had a good time. Look forward to part 2

  5. Glad you had a great day and love the swag.

  6. That are some nice purchases you made there! And I'm pleased to hear that you enjoyed your day!

