Nov 2, 2012

Finished Green Guard Grenadiers

18 figs of the 42 completed and based. These were the last ones to finish before I managed to flick up my acrylic varnish. Don't know when it will come to the rest as I'm not really in the mood for painting more. 

Light infantry on the flanks as they should be. I'll combine two more sets later, one line infantry (white breeches, no plumes) and one light infantry (green shako ornaments, green breeches). The Zvezda figs are always great and this box is one of their most excellent work.

Here's a welcome to Headologist from 'Do You Have A Flag?', thanks for dropping by!

Line formation of the grenadiers, may run a game with my green army soon. These are quite imbalanced class 4 troops who can do huge damage and suffer a lot before breaking or being destroyed.

The other three light infantry figs.

In the meantime, I've finally finished my story for the competition about the Hunyadi family. The story is about the siege of Szabács in 1467 a.d. and hopefully I'll find time to translate it and publish it here. If you are interested, of course.


  1. It is a beautiful army you have
    Good work

  2. Nice looking army Andrew and you should take these boys out for a game or two.

  3. Very very nice! Personally, I feel that these faces are the finest you've painted thus far for your blog. Well done!!

    1. Thank you very much. The faces, well they really are just a plain flesh color and a brown wash before shading. I'm more proud of the results on the Landsknechts' faces, though those pictures are a little bit foggy.

  4. A splendid looking unit, well done Andrew.

  5. Some very nice painting! Love the look of these models and you've certainly done them justice. Are they coin bases as well?

  6. Wonderful looking unit - this scale can be under appreciated - especially for Napoleonics. Best, Dean

    1. Thank you. 1/72 plastics do combine quality and price well, and there are many, really great sets.

  7. Zvezda figures are top quality, and you did them honour! Very nice painted!


  8. Absolutely beautiful work, and the sculpts are really nice, have never got round to acquiring any Zvezda myself so good to see.

    And thanks very much for the welcome :)
