The weekend passed without internet, well I, after all, survived. Then, coming back to the hostel I realized I forgot the cables of my laptop, oh snap.
Objectives were set up on the miniatures' front on Friday:
-Base the South Dorroseani foot
-Assemble the yellow heavy dragoons
-Glue to caps and begin painting one more set
-Build at least three buildings and two workfields
of this, I managed to finish the two sets (posts will follow); one workfield, one building (a stable), and two blockhouses are WIP; glued a command fig and a horse, and the rest of the HäT Landwehr set onto caps; basecoated the Italeri Austrians; also a small progress on the Jackewlinese artillery.

A workfield made of cardboard.
These two are under construction. I put the doors on them later along with a roof for one and painted the windows.
Second half of the Landwehr
Artillerymen starting to take shape
Dorroseani Guard Chasseurs basecoated
A command fig again, this time from the Zvezda SYW grenadiers set. I'll paint it separately from the others again.
This is pretty much a WIP again, a bigger residence for one of my noblemen(?)
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