The guns are from Italeri's French Artillery, figures from Airfix WW2 British and Japs slightly modified (cut off the minesweeper's plate to make them ramrods and bent the grenade-throwing figure's right arm and leg)
4 figs per cannon - the gun's base is thick cardboard with sand and varnish - since then I've started to color it. I've already painted a bunch of this two old sets I had for years as Dorroseani light infantry, now that there are going to be both Chasseurs and Voltigeurs (need to find a better name eh) there's not much need for them and so they're going to be "demoted" to militia which is used as a "counterweight" in battles.
Otherwise, the current Jackewline artillery does, except four pieces of oversized keyring cannons (the ones which are sold for 1€ apiece at souvenir shops), consist of the crew of the Italeri set and a custom-made gun (with a barrel of a light gun, a field gun and a howitzer), but I'm trying to make more
Fortunately I've got a lot of spare "workhorses"
They do deserve some better painting
...And the Dorroseani are going to get their horses too, these are the bunch that came along with the French cannons.
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