Apr 12, 2020

More IJN Battleships

These are additions to my Japanese WW1 capital ship collection. I have completed the Fuso- and Kongo-classes a while ago, now the Kawachis and Ises join them. This is all made possible by getting some balsa wood for home delivery.

The Kawachis were the first Japanese dreadnoughts, and followed the not so successful hexagonal turret arrangement, while the Ises were the last completed before the end of the war - it is interesting to see the radical change in technology in such a short period.

They will be part of the fictional Island Kingdoms battle fleet, which focuses on large and powerful capital units, and these most certainly fulfill those categories. 

My plans are to complete the Nagatos, Tosas and Amagis as well, all of them in their battleship/battecruiser iteration instead of being carriers, as the ones actually finished had ended up.

Of course this means that I somewhat have to divert from my rule of not over-extending into the interwar period, but hey, most of these existed on paper only, and I will most certainly make other ships, like the Ersatz Monarch, Ersatz Yorck, Normandie etc., and I already have the Nelson-class based on the rule of cool.

The Bretagne will be finished in good time, so stay tuned.

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