Apr 16, 2020

MNF Bretagne - Complete

So here she is in her final form, a very good-looking battleship with a tragic fate. Building the ship was great fun (except the rigging), but I've suffered with the base for a countless time, and finally ditched the 3D sea effect for something more simple. This way one can concentrate on the features of the ship.

So the base is an Ikea deep picture frame, a piece of MDF painted blue, a transparent plastic sheet and Bob's your uncle. From now on, I'd rather sculpt and sand the waves out of balsa wood scrap than suffer with the toilet paper / paper mache layers.

The finish on the wooden and plastic parts could have been better, from this approach the Viribus Unitis yielded better results, so most likely combining the primer and basecoat with PVA and sanding it a little adds a better texture than simple paint out of the bottle.

Still, I'm quite content with it, probably will get a name plate on the frame too.

I hope you all enjoyed this build, I did most of the time. Stay safe!