Jan 31, 2014

2014 Projects

My 7th(?) term is now officially over, with varied results. This last week has especially been a rush, fortunately it's over now and I can have two weeks rest at least. 
So what I'm going to do is read and write, and paint this pile of lead mounting around my table.
In the first half of the year, I'm going to work on relatively few projects, but these are mostly new.

Finishing up the WW2 forces with AT guns.
Schultze-Böhnstadt ImagiNation in 28mm and 15mm. I'm working on this currently, with 40 Essex figures and a 28mm Minden personality pack, and these latter are amazing stuff I tell you. 
Great Northern War in 1/72 (Zvezda) and 6mm (Baccus), to refight the battle of Poltava. A 6mm force covering my house rules would cost about a hundred quid.
Probably adding some 28mm Dark Ages figures to the GB platics.

I'm also trying to settle the score with Model Hobbies, they still owe me either three boxes of 1/72 plastics or 30 GBP.


  1. Good luck - with the gaming and the studies!

  2. A nice restrained list of projects. If Model Hobbies are an English firm you might want to look up "The distance selling regulations" Which is the British law on buying things by post or email. There are a number of very good consumer websites. Hope any of that helps.

    1. Thank you. Yes, they're UK based. I'll look that up.

  3. Good luck with the Model Hobbies fight!

    1. Thank you. A dozen emails hadn't helped so far. Guess it'll need a dozen more.

  4. Congratulations on finishing another lap of the academic race for a degree. And I hope you have a great time this year with your modeling.

  5. well done with the last term and good luck for the next!
    waiting to see more of your models.
