Mar 18, 2020

A Change in Plans - MNF Bretagne WIP #1

In my previous post I have talked about the idea of making the Bretagne in 1/1200 and 1/1340 scale, one for a desert diorama and one for a ship-in-a-bottle. Well I found out that I did not have the patience or the skill to make a scale drawing out of a digital blueprint, nor access to any safe printing services right now, but recalled that I had an 1/1000 scale version ready to go. So I'm going to be making a single 1/1000 waterline diorama with her. 

The plans I have are for Lorraine post-1935, the one with the 3rd turret removed, but it should be quite easy to use the prints I have on the other two members of the class to substitute a fifth, same-sized turret.

The main hull was cut out from a 5mm and 2mm piece of balsa. I sanded them down to shape, then used PVA and clamps to fix the upper hull in place. I used wood filler and the back of a knife blade to add detail to the lower deck. I had some trouble with the shaping and assembly sequence because of the concave shape of the bow: if I add the thinner top section too early, it could result in the protruding part above the 1st secondary casemate gun to be trimmed off, and if I add it too late, it would be increasingly difficult to shape the bow properly. So I did a little of both, and now we shall see.

I don't want to over-rush this project, because I don't really know how reliable house ordering supplies like these are.