Jun 4, 2015

Pirate ketch WIP

Put some work to the wee ship between exams. 

Gluing the sides to the base. The base is plasticard with a cardboard deck over it. The sides are also cardboard. Because they are hollowed, I used pieces of PVA-soaked paper to cover the edges.

Finishing the stern, adding extras to the gunports and a piece of pine wood along the hull. Nearing the bow the wood has to curve a lot. I used an ancient technique to bend the wood, putting the ends under hot water.

Some furniture on the deck and test fitting the pair of cannons.

Some decorative pieces on the stern.

Lots of cannons.

After the masts were added, I undercoated the ship white and began painting with the brighter colors. The hull will be black.


  1. Very good project, it's interesting to see its progress!

  2. Nice going, Andrew. Your scratchbuilding talents are increasing by each new project. Fun stuff, sir.

    1. Thank you - I can see the improvement too. This ship is more ship-like than the previous one - they could be part of the same tabletop scene though.

  3. That's coming along really nicely.

    1. Thank you, I hope to publish some better photos of the complete thing.
