Dec 31, 2019

Obligatory End of the Year Post

Best wishes to everyone for the new year (don't forget to eat your lentils or rice on New Year's Day, according to local traidition this will make you grow richer).

It's been a busy year for me in my personal and work life, which sort of undermined the more frequent posting readers of this blog could have been previously used to.

The highlights for me this year were the figure count spreadsheets (it had decreased since I sold a moderate part of the collection). I completed two major projects, the 1/600 scale scratch-built SMS Viribus Unitis and The Rock, which is yet to see a game played on it. 

What's coming for 2020? As I grow older I find more joy in model making, but I guess the purpose always is to build things one can play with, and this is something I would like to keep up with. The slower pace only means that I have to focus my time and resources.

I stocked up for the new year with a pair of Revell Spanish Galeons and an 1/1200 HMS King George V. Speaking of model building, I also bought a Trumpeter 1/700 Bismarck model for 70% price which I am yet to pick up. There were some board games under the Christmas tree as well. 

So, in the first few month, I shall be building some more model ships and some 6mm terrain. I think I'll make an order for Commission 6mm figs, they are cheap and I very much like them.

My long term plan is to play more with my large Napoleonic collection, the figures are stocked on the shelf and I don't really do anything with them.

I've also found a knack for the Ancient period, but this is just a far-fetched idea of the sort that usually realizes months or even years later.