Sep 7, 2014

Painting diary XXX.

Reducing the lead and plastic heap at a huge rate (at least by number of figures). These are Baccus SYW minis - 100 Flossian (Austrian) infantry (had one extra strip) and 42 dragoons. 

The Prussian (Böhnstadter) cuirassiers, 36 figures, still need finishing and all figures need basing. I'm totally out of plasticard after making disruption markers for the cuirassiers above. 
The infantry is one regiment (3x4 stands with two strips) and so is the dragoons (3x4 stands with 3 figures). The Böhnstadter cavalry is 2 regiments, a single-squadron Garde du Corps and a two-squadron Annelise Kuirassiers with two squadrons, four stands, three figures per stand. All bases except the artillery will be 1"x1" squares just like the ones completed before. I could have opted for broader bases or deeper ranks (two for cavalry, three for infantry) but this spares me figures and table space. 
Also bought Maurice and read through it, still have to buy the cards.


  1. you are doing much job!
    go on like this and let us see something great as usual!

    1. It's going to take a while to base them, but you'll be able to see the finished lot soon, I hope.

  2. Great job on these guys, get those supplies in quickly so we can see them finished ;-)


  3. They look amazing, Andreas. I paint 6mm figures as well, and I'm amazed at how much detail you've achieved with those guys. Well done!
