-This (e. g. the previous) weekend:
- painted both the horse and crew for red clans heavy cavalry.
- finished the horses for Dorrosean light cavalry.
- went on with green grenadiers: painted the plume and trousers.
- my old Airfix french cuirassiers got a base coating and will be ready to detail by next weekend.
-Next weekend:
- prep and base paint Zvezda cuirassiers.
- giving my Voltigeurs a better base and repaint them in a lighter color scheme.
- finish assembling the light cavalry.
- finish painting Zvezda grenadiers: greatcoats, skin, arms - will be ready to wash+varnish, put to bases.
- a quick wash+varnish to Airfix French Guard grenadiers.
- detailing and finishing Dorroseani cuirassiers.
- detailing and finishing Voltigeurs.
- when green grenadiers are done: base coating Airfix AWI British and start painting as Crontaineville chasseurs on Dorroseani side.
- later: repainting Vikings and Strelets; washing (or completely repainting, still to be decided) Airfix Scots.
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